apple earnings
Apple Inc. (AAPL) earnings disappointment was pretty predictable with aapl these other big aapl earnings players falling also after good earnings. I don’t like to say “I told earnings whispers so”, but this stock has been ready to fall hard. From the beginning of the year 2008 this stock has just aapl earnings at every market moving news. Since it did not move UP into its apple earnings deal Mac Expo and analyst were boo-hooing the new products that should of made ANY Apple investor worried. Other Apple speculators are saying, “I’m buying AAPL on sell off” well I think they are very wrong on apple earnings decision. When a stock has fallen, then falls harder, you are going to buy it on the rush of aapl of? Are you crazy? For a prized stock that is falling there is good reason not to be buying.
This sums it up apple earnings in an associated press article:
“Apple’s guidance has historically been conservative, but apple earnings report a divergence from Wall Street’s estimate rattled investors already skittish about the economy.”
“Tuesday’s stock plunge apple earnings report likely worsened, Snorek apple by the exodus of a large number apple earnings investors aapl had hoped Apple’s stock would be a refuge from the economic pressures hurting the overall aapl market.” - Jordan Robertson, AP Technology Writer
One good point is that apple earnings Inc. guidance is aapl earnings “conservative” so since they told apple earnings their outlook would show some slower growth (duh!!! look at whats going on with other consumer growth stocks and their partner AT&T (T)) no wonder why AAPL dropped after earnings (just apple earnings the stock does many times over). Now will AAPL’s stock fall more? I’m sure of it. Will it continue on big charts to move up with hot products? Most definitely. This is a short-term hard down move, but likely apple earnings continue so if I was you or myself I wouldn’t be in a buying position of Apple Inc. anytime soon until the economy shows some recovery and Tech stocks show a real correction and real buying from bigger institutions. AT&T reported consumers slowed on buying bigger plans and defaulted on normal ones. Hello! This just proves that slow growth should happen on the iPhone since consumers can already not affoard their normal cellular plans.
Look apple earnings Hansen Foods (HANS) stocks has been falling earnings whispers its major Monster Energy Drink brans, especially big in aapl earnings X-Games, has been falling hard apple with aapl of 1.06. This apple earnings still has a bright growth future, but now are teenagers buying less $2 energy drinks? (or is it really the parents lower on cash so don’t buy the more expensive brand drinks?)
Oil prices at the pump haven’t changed much. I think most automobile consumersr are getting apple earnings to $3 gasoline prices which are liked to get a boost again aapl increasing oil prices that shouldn’t slow down apple earnings report soon which will keep boosting profits for apple earnings report like Southwestern Energy (SWN @ 51) and Ocean Outriggers (RIG @ $124).
I think solar stocks like First Solar (FSLR) and HOKU Scientific (HOKU @ $9.20) are likely to apple earnings until a new President is in place and makes a real energy plan to keep boosting production and make solar “special” again. If you have been reading the reports 2009 will be a HUGE year apple earnings solar companies just because by then their new production plants will be made and producing tons of polycillicon very wanted in the industry going up in price making these small solar companies worth and valued you more in stock price (then they currently are).
But back to Apple Inc. I like the new laptop Air, I might even buy me one because they are apple earnings report first to use flash memory for the harddrive. If you aren’t a computer nerd this means faster processing aapl less harddrive crashes, and more efficient system. This could be a huge seller. Who cares that it is thin. It uses a flash harddrive and of course very sleek and hot looking. I don’t know how far Apple Inc. will drop, but I’m think below $100 (which would create a peg of 1.00). Where do I think it will be by November apple earnings earnings? apple earnings report Depends if these rate cuts do the trick and creates more money so people keep buying gadgets. If Apple continues to take more market share there is aapl earnings reason its stock won’t stop charging pass $200 again. I think realistically Apple might do a 2:1 stocksplit since they just lost $40 billion in share aapl earnings value, maybe a apple earnings report at $100, might get people think to buy it at $50 is cheap (even though its the same price/value). I like Apple. It really trys to innovate and create “new” and that is a company anyone wants to own. I should note earnings whispers downgrade it got today just throws “warning signs” for future downtrend. Downgrade on Apple? Are you crazy analyst, well not so crazy at least for aapl earnings cited from:
Yahoo! Finance Associated Press Article on Apple Earnings
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