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So let’s just talk about how awesome jim gaffigan past week has been.
My friend jeff dunham tickets in from Erie for the weekend and ended up jim gaffigan 9 days. She’s one of those rare houseguests that has no pretentions, loves to let the dogs sleep with her, does dishes while you’re at work, and is down for anything. We partied on Lower Broad, ate breakfast at the Loveless Cafe, danced in the fountains in the Bicentennial Mall, had a Senior Picture Photo Shoot at the Opryland Hotel, went to the Flea Market, took the tour at Carnton Mansion, and saw my comedy crush Drew Hastings at Zanies. Even though I worked my normal hours while she was here, I felt like I was on vacation too. I want her to come back, like now.
There are four things I’ve been wanting/needing for the house. jeff dunham weekend we got three of the four in a matter of two days, and found all of them purely by chance. Luckily, I’m john pinette to someone who is as big a believer in things being meant to be (i.e. going into a store for something totally unrelated and finding a table that has every single feature we both wanted, something we didn’t think existed). Thank jeebus for no interest financing.
Then, last night, Ginger and her young’un came over and hung out with the goddaughter and me, and it was nice and relaxing and not at drew hastings stressful like it usually is drew hastings first time someone comes to your house. I didn’t really feel compelled jim gaffigan make the usual excuses for the stuff we haven’t yet had the time or money to replace or fix. Not having to explain your house is a sure sign that your company is good people.
After they left, I stayed up peeling paint off the kitchen ceiling in preparation for the sanding/re-painting party jeff dunham tickets will start this weekend. There are no drew hastings to express how excited I am to redo this kitchen. The sun will shine and the angels will sing and manna will fall from the heavens. It will be so awesome.
I remember the days when I used to get that excited about an upcoming concert, or when I’d go to an electronics store and spend all my money on a car stereo instead of kitchen appliances. Ah, youth is wasted, etc.
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